
A Rose That Grew From Concrete Interview With Artivist Influencer Set Heru

Today we’d like to introduce you to Set Heru (Seth Michael).

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

Honestly I got to where I am today because of Gods Grace. I wouldn’t be here without the countless positive thoughts, prayers and love from my family and friends who are really my chosen family. I have fallen many times, but because of the wide net of my friends and family I have been able to get back up every time.
Growing up a queer black person in New York life for me hasn’t been no Crystal Stair to quote “Mother To Son” by Langston Hughes. I’ve battled everything from homelessness living in the government enabled trap houses that New York City calls the shelter system, to my own demons, which I continue to fight every day. I have a lot of love around me. I am surrounded by the most beautiful, inspiring, talented, fierce tribe there is in all over the world. I have a whole new appreciation for that phrase “iron sharpens iron” because of the people in my life. I am where I am today because they won’t, not, let me be great.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

Like I was saying I was teenager and in my early twenties running around these streets with a dollar and a dream. I was in straight survival mode. I made really bad choices and definitely paid the price for them in more ways than one. You’re just gonna have to get my album or watch my movie or buy my book to get the real deal Holyfield. Just know I’m not a saint. And just like pastor Donnie Mcclurkin says we fall down but we get up. In 2017 I plead guilty to Felony Grand Larceny charges because of a decision I made in desperation. I was sleeping on the A train, doing anything with anyone I had to in order to see another day. My single teenage mom did the best she could with what she had to raise me up right and I still didn’t make the best decisions. I did my time learned from the situation and make a living amends to be as honest as possible in all my affairs today. The way the criminal justice system is set up here in America is f’ed up. But I truly believe if my ancestors can endure slavery, break barriers, open doors, pave the way and build an entire nation on their back then surely I can keep grinding, keep hustling, keep fighting to not let my record keep me in bondage from elevating to the place where I know, and who I know God wants me tobe.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

I’d call myself a new age renaissance man. I sing, I write, I Act, I Create Vibes, I Set Trends and I Have Heart. My first love is music. I know God has given me a gift that I am supposed to share with the world. My philosophy on art and life is this. I want to create and leave beautiful things in the world because I want to remind all of Gods children that we are ONE. By using the vehicles of art and the light that emanates from within us all to shine into the darkest corners of our minds, our hearts, our souls, our society, our communities, our families, our churches, our synagogues, our mosques, to make visible the thread that connects us all to one another. And why should someone work with me over someone else? Well they shouldn’t. I want someone to connect with me because their spirit tells them to. My well is clean. My intentions are always pure. My heart is iridescently Gold.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

Listen to your spirit. Keep your side of the street clean. Follow your dreams. Love like tomorrow will never come. Be you. Trust your magic. Say yes more than you say no. Give it your best shot. And most importantly help others. More specifically stand up against Racism, Sexism, Police Brutality, Transgender Violence, Protect, Uplift, and Support Black Women, Share Resources, Talk about Womens Reproductive Rights and have Empathy do more for those afflicted by the disease of addiction in all its forms.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Success to me is waking up every day with breath in my body. If I make it through the day without harming myself or others than it was a successful day. If I did something, just one thing to get me closer to making my wildest dreams my reality, than that day was successful. If I connected with at least one person on a spiritual level than my day was a success.

What’s next for you?

Only God Knows what is next for me. But recently I was an actor in The Marvalous Mrs. Maisel on Amazon Prime and on Max’s new seasons of Gossip Girl and The Gilded Age. I am also working on some new music and currently looking for new Representation.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

You could follow me on Instagram at @GuruSetHeruStudios on twitter at @SirSetHeru

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