
Contagious Conversation with Stephen Boyd

Today we’d like to introduce you to Stephen Boyd.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

I grew up in a small country town on a farm where chickens, cows, pigs, were my first audience! I vividly remember singing and practicing my speaking in the middle of the pasture while the cow chewed it’s cud, the chickens pecked at their feed, and the pigs wallowed in their slop!

My parents were very religious, so they ‘drug’ my brother and I to church. While I didn’t always want to go (what child does), I’m grateful that it was there I was provided the opportunity to learn play several instruments, direct choirs, and practice speaking. In high school and college, my passion for music and performing grew, as I participated in the marching band, jazz band, concert band, gospel choir, concert choir, and several ensembles.

In 1997, I started teaching music in the public school system. My goal initially was to work for several years, then become a full-time traveling musician and speaker. As fate would have, my life did not go in that direction. However, I didn’t give up on my dream. In 2014, I launched a speaking and professional development company to help teachers who struggled with classroom management and student engagement. Who would have guessed that as a result, I’d be speaking, training, and consulting all over the nation!

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

I’ve had to overcome my own self-doubt. Unfortunately, I had a history of starting and stopping because I let my own thoughts or the the criticism of others to deflate and defeat me. As a result, Ive wrestled with depression, one failed suicide attempt, survived three life threatening accidents, and two heart attacks! People who I have shared my goals and dreams with in the past, have told me my vision was not attainable. Who do you think you are? Where did you get this ‘high-minded’ mentality?

Being from a small town people if you want to be something in life, you either have to leave the area, settle for the lifestyle, or be ostracized for ‘breaking the rules’. And while I will never forsake the good, harding working moral values I was taught
I have made it my mission to not allow certain mindsets to imprison me!

While it has not been easy, I continue to perverse, create, and challenge myself to continue creating compelling content that entertains, excites, educates, and empowers!

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

My company, SB Entertainment LLC, specializes in providing classroom management and student engagement speaking, training, coaching, and consulting to K-12 and post secondary instructional staff. One of the things Ive noticed, after working in K-12 education for over 25 years is teachers are not taught how to ‘command the stage’! As a result, students who are bent to chronic misbehavior, tend to distract the learning process.

The educational division of SB Entertainment, LLC, provides real, practical, and evidence-based strategies in the areas of classroom management and student engagement that help elevate a teacher’s practice from struggling to soaring!

Traditionally, professional development in the K-12 space would include a day of training and a book to accompany. Our model is unique in that offer group and one on one coaching for teachers beyond the initial training. We want ensure we move teachers from information heard to application applied!

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

Several pieces of advice that have helped me are: a commitment to prayer and meditation, a committment to focus, and a commitment to strategic planning.

Whether it’s a disgruntled customer, a potential client that backs out of a deal, or the joy of landing the deal of a lifetime, committing to prayer and meditation provides you a foundation to remain committed to your core values.

John Maxwell says, “He who aims at nothing will hit it every time.” When your business is in its infancy it’s normal to engage in DIY mode. However, as your business grows in order to broaden you influence you must narrow your focus. You must ask yourself, “where does my business provide the greatest value?” “To whom does my business provide the greatest value?” As you answer those questions and evaluate your businesses analytics, narrow your attention on that value and ‘turn up the heat’ on your transformation!

Finally, there is a commitment to strategic planning. While this is a cadence no wants to play, it’s certainly a rhythm that guides you towards success! There is an ancient proverb that says ‘if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.’ I certainly had my fair share of failure in life and in business. But as I’ve increased my commitment to strategic planning (including working with a planning coach) I’ve seen exponential growth in my life and

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Success to me means not giving up on your dreams, even if it means you have to go back to the drawing board to revamp, rehearse, or remind yourself of why you decided to ‘step out on the plank’! Giving up is not an option!

What’s next for you?

Currently, we a working on new content for school leaders entitled, Contagious Conversations. This is a training and coaching opportunity to accompany a K-12 training we released in 2022 entitled Contagious Teaching: Creating a Learning Environment Where Kids JUST can’t get Enough!

We are VERY excited for the 2023-2024 school year! We are finalizing contracts to speak and do coaching work with school districts in Tennessee, Maryland, Mississippi, and Texas!

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

If you are a school Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Executive Director, Principal, or Assistant Principal that would like to learn about our training and coaching services, please visit my website at:

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram: @Iamstephenboyd

stephen boyd

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