The film “El Grito del Mime” presents an intriguing story of mystery and horror that revolves around Antonio, a young writer of medium-popular novels. The plot develops when Antonio, in search of inspiration for his next work, learns of the mysterious disappearance of actors from the “Charles Chaplin” theater.
This feature film is directed and produced by Juan Correa, who also serves as screenwriter and actor.
The plot is based on the strange disappearance of some actors, including a mime, which motivates a young writer of moderate popularity to create his new novel. He begins to investigate to find the necessary sources for his novel, triggering a series of even more strange and paranormal events that interrupt his creation process. Being completely immersed in his own fiction, the stories of the strange disappearance converge with traumatic events from his own childhood that had not been overcome.
“The Scream of the Mime” is a paranormal thriller that follows Andres, a writer in search of inspiration, as he investigates the mysterious disappearance of actors and immerses himself in paranormal events that unravel unresolved traumas from his own childhood.
“The Scream of the Mime” follows writer Andres, who, while investigating the disappearance of actors, discovers that the paranormal events surrounding him are more than a source of inspiration: they are the manifestation of buried traumas from his own childhood.
The cast is headed by Gonzalo Cubero, Herber Corinmanya, Juan Correa, Johally Garrido, Freddy Gudiño, Ilya Izaguirre, Ramón Lugo, Angélica Muñiz, Horus castro, Michel Giurdanella, Johsué Morales, Víctoria Hernández, Danyret Rocha, Judith Padrón, Juan Chango, Patricia Rincón , Daniel Ore, Rubert Lanz, Lorenzo Caballero, Carlos Pérez and Paul Paredes.
Also appearing in FX makeup is Jhosue Morales, and the directors of photography: Luis Ernesto Betancourt, Julio Ruiz and Jonny Valdivia. Among other famous audiovisual filmmakers, the art directors Johally Garrido and Eralio Vargas stand out in the film. In the general production Liubiezka Prieto, Campo producers: Danyret Rocha, Jhosue Morales, Juan Chango, Rubert Lanz. Also the post-production director: Johnny Valdivia and the executive producers Enmanuel Viggiani, Michel Giurdanella, Juan Correa and Luis Ernesto Betancourt.