
Meet Sam Bell: Digital Marketing Expert at the Forefront of Innovation

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sam Bell.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

I actually started off as a real estate investor buying and selling houses in Atlanta. Around 2007 I noticed that a lot of the buyers started drying up. So I said to myself, “I need to figure out how I can begin to sell my properties to people outside my market.” Being familiar with internet marketing, I began uploading my properties to YouTube and started doing some SEO optimization. Using that strategy, I started acquiring buyers out of state. Later, I wound up attending a marketing seminar where I was convinced to do my own presentation. It was after giving this presentation that someone came up to me and said, “Hey man, we can make this into a product.”

We created that product and wound up selling like $2 million worth of that particular product, which was training. And that’s how I got into the marketing space. From there, I went on to do coaching programs,  built a SAS platform, and started driving traffic to that SAS platform using the Google display network. And that’s how I really got into media buying. 

Around 2009, Google shut down many people’s accounts. Because of this, people started coming to me, asking me to do some consulting. So that way, they could actually start running on Google compliantly. I started doing that and I enjoyed it and I realized there was an opportunity there. From there, I started the agency, back in 2009. 

Now, we have obviously evolved since then.  We’re running ads, not only on Google, but primarily now on Facebook. We still do Google, and we also do YouTube ads as well, but that’s really how I got started. It was all actually by accident and we’ve been running ads ever since, specifically to high ticket, high ticket automated webinars.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

There are numerous challenges, especially when you’re working with clients and building campaigns. Some of those challenges early on were just really learning and understanding marketing at a fundamental level. A large part of this was understanding the psychology of marketing and how people operate. In doing this you are able to motivate and inspire and influence people to want to move forward. Um, in addition to that, the advertising market is always evolving and everything moves at a rapid pace. It’s about having to keep up with what’s working and what’s not working, but at the same time still being grounded to your core marketing rules and principles.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

My specialty as it relates to digital marketing is building out high ticket, automated webinar funnels. So we work primarily with people who have digital products that they sell for $1,000 to $3,000, as well as coaches, consultants, and service providers who sell high ticket services that range from $5,000 all the way up to $30,000. So essentially what we do is we actually build out the entire client acquisition sales process online. We leverage automated webinars to help them sell those products or drive scheduled phone consultations. That way, they can have one-on-one conversations and see if potential clients are a good fit for their products and services. That’s really where we put our emphasis and focus. We developed a process that has allowed us to get amazing results for our clients and help multiple clients scale to over six figures and build seven figure businesses, per month.

Our approach is a little different in that we not only just run ads, but we create the landing pages as well. We do the optimization, we do the tracking, we look at all the data and the numbers, so that way we can make data driven decisions. In doing this, we’re maximizing the return on ad spending. We have a few different ways that we’re able to do that, and I think that’s really what separates us from a lot of the competition that’s out there. We’re really big on data and we really take a strategic approach into how we actually set up our marketing, not only the marketing funnels, but also the marketing campaigns. This way, we can reach people with very specific messaging, depending upon where they drop off in the funnel process. In doing this, we are able to re engage and help them convert into a paying customer.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

Don’t give up. I know that sounds cliche, but the reality is, especially in today’s times, we are naturally wired to want to get results right away. But the truth is that it takes time, so don’t be hard on yourself. Choose one thing and really focus on it and put in the time, energy, and effort to really master it. Right. If you don’t get results right away, that’s okay. Everyone has to put in the work. I’ve been doing this 10 years and I really feel like I’m just starting to hit my stride. So the beautiful part now is that there, there are so many tools and resources available to help people be successful. A mentor can be a huge help as well. If you have someone that can guide you and show you the way, as opposed to trying to figure out all that stuff by yourself, it can make a huge difference. 

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Success to me is about really being fulfilled. People have different interpretations of that, right? So for me, it’s truly being fulfilled in what it is that you’re doing every day. If you reach a place where you are comfortable monetarily, whatever that number is, it allows you to do the things that are most important.  That’s really what success is: just really having the freedom to do the things that are enjoyable and that fulfills you.

What’s next for you?

My main focus is to continue to grow the agency and expand. I serve people and I’m the conduit that help connects people who have a product or service that can be transformational. That adds value to people and I want continue to grow that outside of the agency. I’m still heavily in real estate and really looking to just grow the portfolio and build passive income assets. So that way, I can either sell the agency or walk away from the agency in the future, but I don’t anticipate doing that anytime soon.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more.

If people want to connect with me, the best way is my website, where I have a ton of information, available free training, and a booking page. If you are a culture consultant and are looking to break through and hit six figures or more per month, I’m definitely interested in having a conversation to see how I may be able to help you.

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