The film “El Grito del Mime” presents an intriguing story of mystery and horror that revolves around Antonio, a young writer of...
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The film “El Grito del Mime” presents an intriguing story of mystery and horror that revolves around Antonio, a young writer of...
In a world where genetic information is just a set of probabilities, Epigenetics is emerging as a medical revolution that redefines health...
Victor Flores is passionate about floristry. He is a man with an impeccable track record as a florist and enjoys great popularity at...
Jesús Montilla’s work is highly valued due to the outstanding results that his marketing strategies have provided to his clients. His...
The A’ Design Award has the philanthropic goal of advancing society with good design. A’ Design Award aims to raise awareness...
Sustainable floral design is a practice that seeks to minimize environmental impact and promote the conservation of natural resources in the flower industry....
Francisco José Herrera is a high-level rider and riding instructor, with extensive experience and dedication to this sport. His performance in the...
Manuel Ruiz is a talent that knows no limits. Creative in the highest exaltation. Manuel Ruiz is an expert creative and an inspiration....
The prominent international Greek-Venezuelan actress, Athina Klioumi joins the celebrated Venezuelan Symphony Orchestra, directed by maestro and musical director Eduardo Marturet, in an...
The young Yonna Cabrera, experienced in the world of arts, theater, radio, cinema, television and theater coach, is full speed ahead with...